104th Annual Lake County Round-Up Rodeo
sunday September 3rd, monday september 4th, 2023
Saddle Bronc
Photo by PRCA photographer Rhonda Noneman
Considered rodeo's"classic event," the saddle bronc competition has always been the premier event of the Lake County Round-Up. Saddle bronc is a technical event that requires balance, timing, and grace - all on a 1000 pound bucking horse. The bronc rider must "start" his horse by having his feet touching the horse's shoulders on the first jump out of the chute. After that, to be successful, the rider must keep in time with the horse by spurring back all the way to the saddle's cantle while the horse is going up in the buck, then snapping his feet forward again to the point of the shoulders while the horse is coming back down, making a fluid, controlled ride. Both the horse and the cowboy score points, with the horse judged on how hard he bucks and how difficult overall he makes the ride for the cowboy. The cowboy is judged on the control he demonstrates during the ride.
Bull Riding
Photo by PRCA photographer Rhonda Noneman
The element of danger plays an important role in the concept of bull riding. This alone can generate a high level of excitement for the spectator. The rider slips his hand into a split in the rope that fits snugly around the bull just behind the bull's shoulder. To qualify, the cowboy must stay on for eight seconds, careful to keep his free hand in the air. Both the rider's style and the bull's bucking are scored, and combined in a final score for those riders fortunate enough to go the distance. Today's bull rider is a trained athlete, finely tuned in both physical and mental stamina.
Bareback Riding
Bareback riding may be the toughest event on a cowboy's body. As he jams his riding arm into a leather rigging with a suitcase like handle, he demands from his body some very difficult tasks. He needs to spur widely, yet have complete control of his body. Timing and strength are vital in maintaining control. The more gyration the better the score, but the torque the riding arm takes is unbelievable. The rider is judged on the skillful manner in which he achieves the ride, on the amount of spurring, and of the roughness and wildness of the horse.
Barrel Racing
The cowgirls you see riding in this event have developed a close bond or trust and confidence in the horses they ride. As a timed event, you see these girls riding at break-neck speed in an effort to ride a clover-leaf pattern around three barrels faster than their competitors. Their well-trained mounts know just how to approach each barrel, and make the turn around the outside without knocking over the barrel. The challenge comes when the rider and the horse cut corners by making the tightest turn possible around a barrel while maintaining the momentum and speed that makes for a winning run. This is an exciting event that requires guts, speed, and a strong horse.
Breakaway Roping
Breakaway roping is a type of calf roping; however, the calf is not tied or thrown during the event. The rider on horseback waits in the box that is located near the chute. Once the calf is released from the chute, the rider leaves the chute and as quickly as possible ropes the calf around the neck. Once the calf is caught, the rider stops their horse and lets the rope come tight enough to break the string that ties the rope to the saddle horn. Once the string is broken, the run is finished. Breakaway roping is a fast run event and exciting to watch.
Tie-Down Roping
As the cowboy nods for his calf, his horse must wait behind a score line until the calf passes. The horse then leaves at break-neck speed, stops on cue as the roper makes his catch, and must work the rope as the cowboy ties any three legs on the calf. Calf roping is a timed event in which many variables can lead to an outstanding run. A highly trained horse, one which can run and stop, a good draw, and a little good luck can turn this into one of the most pleasurable events of the rodeo to watch.
Team Roping
Team roping is an event that takes cooperation and anticipation between two cowboys - a header and a heeler - and their horses. Team roping is a timed event. The steer to be caught is given a head start. If the header does not allow the steer the full head start, he has broken the barrier and will be penalized ten seconds. Upon a clean head catch, which can be around the horns, head and one horn, or around the neck, the header dallies his rope around his saddle horn, actually turning the steer away from the heeler who rides into position to catch the heels. If the heeler catches only one leg, the team is assessed a five second penalty.
Steer Wrestling
Of all the events in a rodeo, it can be argued that bull dogging offers the greatest amount of eye-appeal to the spectator. It is a display of strength and an exhibition of finesse and skill. With the aid of a hazer, the contestant must jump off a horse running early 30 mph, reach for the steer's horns, slide him to a stop, and lay him on the ground. The challenge as a spectator is to decide which is most impressive: timing, strength, or courage.
Local Events
Open Barrel Race - Sunday & Monday performance, 1:00 PM, entries capped at 20, 10 to run on Sunday and 10 to run on Monday. See the Entry form on the website.
KID'S EVENTS ---Kid’s calf riding (age 10 & under), Kid’s speed barrel (age 10 & under), Kid’s steer riding (age 11-14) and goat tying (age 10 & under). Calf riding will go on Sunday @ 12:30pm. Speed barrel, Goat Tying and steer riding will go on Monday. All event have a $10 entry fee and limited to 10 per event. Entries close August 21, 2023. Kids are considered eligible for these events as long as they meet their age requirements as of January 1,2023
Local Team Roping and Ladies Team Roping event qualifier on Sunday slack at 9:00 AM, Neil Flynn Arena. Top 6 teams in both Local Team Roping & Ladies Team Roping will go in Sunday’s Rodeo Performance, 1:00 PM.
For information on all kids events, contact Mesa Greenfield at shawnandmesa@yahoo.com or 541-219-0439.